Thursday, June 23, 2011

Image Cropping: Dissection vs Trimming

Since I'm stuck in bed here at the
hospital I have had a lot of time on
my hands to play with images on my 
laptop for my pendants.

I have noticed that cropping can be
a very important tool in the image 
refining process.
There are basically two ways you 
can use image cropping.

The first,
is to use cropping as a way to get 
a new image from a much larger one.
Essentially dissecting out a part 
of the image.

Take this image for example:
It's a really pretty picture and I 
can actually cut it to get a couple
smaller images.

This is from the top right 

And this is from the 
top left segment.

This is what it looks like
when you are done.

Sometime you have an image you want
but you need to trim it down to make it fit.
Like this image:
I picked this one for a friend who
loves Alice in Wonderland. 
I love the vintage image.

When I shrunk the whole image down it 
looked like this:

Even with some cleaning up
I lost alot of the detail 
and focus of the image

So I cropped the image in closer
concentrating on the important part
of the picture, being the face and upper body.
And trimmed away the excess.
See how much nicer that
image is?
And you didn't really lose anything.

The finished product looks pretty good
except for a tiny air bubble.

Does anyone else make their own pedants?

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